
Your Wisdom

Your Legacy

Your Heirloom

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Your Wisdom

Your Legacy

Your Heirloom

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Want to write a book but don't have time?
We can fix that.

We’ve been helping clients tell their stories for years.
Let us write your best-teller with you for your audience.

Specialized Ghostwriting Team

Choosing your writer and publisher for your legacy is a once-in-a-lifetime decision. When you partner with Birthright Books, you are engaging a diverse team of experienced writers actively curated by a seasoned and award-winning memoirist.

Personalized Editing Approach

Maybe you don’t have the time or professional skills to document your history and accomplishments for your personal community. Yet your story is unique, and your experiences should not go unremembered or poorly written. We tailor our craftsmanship to meet your publishing goals—as we are experts at rewriting history.

Interior And Cover Design

Besides your words, the design of your book is an art unto itself. Allow our artists to represent you and your words in exactly the way you have always imagined. As a thumbnail image on a computer screen, your cover should be able to grab your reader’s attention and prepare them for their reading journey.

Publishing Possibilities

Whether you are publishing privately for your family and heirs, or using your book as a marketing lead generator for speaking gigs, attracting clients, or creating influence, we will help you distribute your heirloom to the hands of others.

We Specialize in Memoir

In a crowded industry overrun with choices and questionable levels of skill, we are proud of our history in offering a successful book writing process with a 100% client satisfaction rate. We provide a tailored, seamless experience for you while offering the best in talent, expertise and professionalism. Reach out today to learn how we can turn your wisdom into your legacy and heirloom for your friends, family, business colleagues, and the reading public.








Why choose Birthright Books?

Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs.

Our Recommendation


How We Do What We Do

We’re obsessed with memoirs, biographies, legacies, and heirlooms—we write nothing else. We’re dedicated to the art of personal storytelling. Trust us, it’s an art. So how does the process work?

let's Chat

Our free consultation includes getting to know you and understanding your goals in telling your story. We know you will have lots of questions, so you’ll learn about our process in helping you realize your project. You’ll fully understand the start-to-finish process of crafting your story from the initial interview to marveling at the book in your hands. You can expect to understand our pricing strategy during this call so you can move forward with all the necessary information.

Let's Search


Once we agree to work together, we will find the writer ideally suited for your type of project. Our team has specialized training that includes legal, medical, and trauma-informed education. Our writers work with subjects including:

  • Public, celebrity, athletic, political figure
  • Legacy/heirloom/ancestral
  • Personal or portrait
  • Trial or triumph
  • Trainwreck/misery lit
  • Coming-of-age
  • Spiritual quest/travel/adventure
  • Escape from religious extremism
  • Addiction/recovery

Let's Shortlist


You can expect a timely turnaround during our search. Once we’ve curated the best matches for your publishing goals, we will present you with our list of top writers or editors for your project. Within one week, you will learn all about your potential writers and decide who you would like to speak with.

You can expect to learn about them by reading resumes and evaluating writing samples and credentials. After you’ve narrowed down your choices (and we are happy to help you do so!), you will be ready to set up interview calls with your choices.

Let's Roll

We draw up an agreement and will handle the project billing and paperwork in house. You and your writer are free to concentrate on writing and designing your book. We are available during the time of your engagement for questions, concerns, and troubleshooting of any nature.


Your Cover Is Next

When you’re searching for a way to preserve your voice, history and ethos, nothing is as effective as a book.

You can represent youeself exactly as you’d like to be remembered.

Your words.

Your way.

Each Birthright Book is welcomed as a beloved addition to our authors’ families to be cherished for generations.


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